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A gift today changes a life tomorrow.

We know that your family and friends will be a priority, but with a gift to Musical Connections, you can help us to reduce isolation and ensure a healthier and happier future for the hundreds of older people in York who rely on ‘our musical family’. You can either choose to leave a share of your estate (Residuary Bequest) or a fixed sum of money (Pecuniary Bequest) – no matter the size, we’ll be extremely grateful to receive your donation.

If you’d like to include Musical Connections in your will, you may consider the following wording:
“I give, devise, and bequeath [insert specific amount or percentage] to Musical Connections,
Registered Charity Number: 1165993, for its general charitable purposes.”

Thank you for considering a gift to Musical Connections. Together, we can create a better future for older people in York.